Justin Funk, Senior Software Engineer in Santa Fe, NM, United States
Justin Funk

Senior Software Engineer in Santa Fe, NM, United States

Justin trained in business information systems and has a solid and practical understanding of business processes and improvements. He has been developing web-based applications that add value to businesses for over twelve years.


  • RoadShield
    React Native, Laravel, Firebase, WebRTC
  • LeanPlum
    WordPress, Google App Engine, PHP, JavaScript, Marketo
  • bltn
    VueJS, Firebase, SMS, Twillio, PhantomJS, PDF, Facebook, Twitter



Santa Fe, NM, United States


Preferred Environment

PHP, LAMP, Git, HTML5, Node.js, jQuery, CSS

The most amazing...

...platform I've founded is growing to be a leading provider of digital church bulletins.


  • Lead Mobile Developer

    2019 - PRESENT
    • Built a suite of mobile and web applications with an API.
    • Developed a peer-to-peer video call system with recordings.
    • Used test-driven development to ensure a complete API.
    • Built a system that paired two devices based on geolocation.
    • Managed a team of engineers through an agile development process.
    Technologies: React Native, Laravel, Firebase, WebRTC
  • Marketing Developer

    2017 - 2019
    • Managed a Google App Engine environment for deployment and maintenance of a WordPress website.
    • Implemented custom theme functions and modules in WordPress.
    • Implemented UI elements and pages based off mockups.
    • Integrated website-generated leads with Marketo, Salesforce, and other third-party tools.
    • Implemented third-party A/B testing libraries for boosting conversions.
    • Optimized page performance and speed with Google PageSpeed and other performance monitoring tools.
    • Used geo-located caching to ensure optimal page delivery across the globe.
    Technologies: WordPress, Google App Engine, PHP, JavaScript, Marketo
  • Founder

    2014 - PRESENT
    • Built a modern single-page app with VueJS with a Firebase backend and server less hosting.
    • Created a microservices architecture which tying together workers, monitors, schedulers, and distributors.
    • Created a custom drag-and-drop builder allowing customers to create dynamic, auto-refreshing web pages and PDFs.
    • Built a reliable distribution system that has sent hundreds of thousands of SMS messages through different messaging gateways.
    • Integrated social media services including scheduled posts and engagement/performance monitoring.
    Technologies: VueJS, Firebase, SMS, Twillio, PhantomJS, PDF, Facebook, Twitter
  • Consultant

    2012 - PRESENT
    American Statistical Association
    • Imported and converted legacy spreadsheets into a database.
    • Communicated with administrative staff and key decision makers to document business processes.
    • Designed a web solution modernizing business processes and saving hours of work.
    • Provided a support system for a global team of academic faculty.
    • Accomplished programming goals with zero-downtime upgrades and hotfixes.
    Technologies: MySQL, jQuery, Blade Templates
  • Financial Tool Developer

    2009 - PRESENT
    • Created custom financial sales tools for annuities and other financial products.
    • Integrated web technologies with complex Excel spreadsheets to run illustrations and calculations.
    • Built pixel-perfect and responsive user interfaces to embed in client sites.
    • Built dynamic and professional print-quality PDF brochures and sales pamphlets.
    • Created user interfaces that are fully cross-browser complete and functional.
    Technologies: JavaScript, Excel, FPDF, Laravel, SpreadsheetGear, .NET
  • Lead Developer

    2015 - 2018
    • Created a custom website featuring world-class stock photography with lightning fast load time.
    • Implemented natural language searching across hundreds of thousands of images.
    • Built a custom payment stack including licensing, multiple payment methods, and asset delivery.
    • Created custom reporting, analysis, and royalty reports for independent creators.
    • Creating an asset ingestion pipeline including asset processing, integration with machine learning asset recognition, and asset approval.
    Technologies: Elasticsearch, PHP, Perl, HTML5
  • Developer

    2013 - 2016
    • Implemented a single sign-on system for a suite of applications that generates purchase orders and invoices using TCPDF and WKHTMLTOPDF. The suite uses a central database for notifications and communications throughout.
    • Created an engine that simulates and predicts future customer usage.
    • Created an intuitive input for complicated calendar data.
    Technologies: Laravel, PHP, MySQL
  • Web Developer

    2013 - 2016
    • Configured a load-balanced database network.
    • Built on an existing REST framework.
    • Deployed cloud-based virtual machines from images.
    • Used Django to collect survey data.
    • Load tested the front-end site with custom distributed scripts.
    Technologies: Django, Zend
  • Web Developer

    2012 - 2013
    Cheeky Monkey Media
    • Added new features to the Drupal 5 website of a national toy brand.
    • Upgraded the eCommerce engine of a Magento site.
    • Built a storytelling website for a non-profit based in Drupal 7.
    • Added product searching features to a Drupal 6 eCommerce site.
    • Implemented Scrum and Agile practices management techniques with a distributed team.
    Technologies: Drupal
  • Systems Support Specialist

    2009 - 2010
    Iowa State University
    • Managed and configured numerous Windows-based servers.
    • Created an online version of student records, enabling student and faculty input, greatly reducing administrative hours.
    • Implemented and managed thin-client based computer networks.
    • Supported faculty and student websites, networks, and software.
    • Managed student employees.
    Technologies: Windows Server 2012, PHP, Outlook, Perl, AutoIT


  • Bltn (Development)

    Bltn is a complete church communication platform. Founded by Justin in 2014, bltn is growing to be a leading provider of digital church bulletins.

  • OrthoApps (Development)

    The Guru Business Suite is a simple, yet powerful suite of business management tools. Cloud-based and easy to use, Guru Business Suite apps take care of the “business” side of your practice, allowing you to maximize your time and efficiency.

    Justin was a lead developer on the suite and helped design and architect the underlining infrastructure.


  • Languages

    PHP, Sass, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bash Script, Perl, AutoIt, GraphQL
  • Frameworks

    Catalyst, Laravel, ZURB Foundation, AngularJS, Bootstrap 3, .NET
  • Libraries/APIs

    jQuery, Node.js, Twilio API, Vue.js, React
  • Tools

    SpreadsheetGear, Cron, Git, TCPDF, Gulp.js, Bower, Composer, Capistrano, Grunt, Xdebug
  • Platforms

    Linux, WordPress, Firebase, Docker, AWS Lambda, Drupal
  • Storage

    MySQL, MongoDB
  • Paradigms

    REST, Agile Software Development, Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Other

    SMS, Financial Reporting, PDF Design


  • Bachelor of Arts degree in Management Information Systems
    2005 - 2009
    Iowa State University - Ames, IA